Expectant Mom Salma Hayek Named Hottest Celebrity

Who says that being pregnant isn’t sexy?

Forty-year old Salma Hayek tops a poll of the hottest celebrities in the world, leaving behind many younger actresses like Jessica Alba and Halle Berry.

Pregnant Latina Salma Hayek has been voted the hottest celebrity in the world.

The e-poll of 3,000 celebs showed that 65 per cent of the US population deemed the 40-year-old pregnant Hayek sexier than some of Hollywood’s young leading actresses.

Coming in close on Hayek’s heels was actress Jessica Alba who got 64 per cent of the votes. Alba had to share her place on the list with former Baywatch babe Carmen Electra who also secured 64 per cent of the votes.

They were followed by Shakira in fourth place with 63 per cent of the total votes, says a report.

Three Hollywood beauties shared the fifth position – Halle Berry, Beyonce Knowles and Eva Longoria.

The poll also showed that despite Hollywood’s obsession with everything young, older stars are still deemed to be the hottest, with the average age of the top 15 actresses being 36.


Baby Saved After Mom Dies Tragically

Doctors in New Hampshire were able to save the life of a baby moments after his mother was struck and killed by her boyfriend’s pickup truck.
The couple was arguing and then the expectant mom
leaped from the truck and was struck by a rear tire, according to police and news reports.

She was taken to Parkland Medical Center, where doctors delivered the “nearly full-term” baby and pronounced her dead.

The couple had been living at a campground in Londonderry for the past several days, police said. The newspaper reported the couple have three other children together.The baby is in critical condition at Massachusetts General Hospital, where she was flown after delivery.

This dad has some big shoes to fill now. Let’s hope that this baby survives his less than normal entrance and that the family is able to recover from such a devastating loss.


Preemie Beats The Odds With Rare Double Lung Transplant

Kali McKellips was born at 24 weeks weighing one and a half pounds. Spending the first few months of her life on a ventillator left her lungs damaged and scarred.

At around 5 months old, Kali’s breathing was getting more difficult. To help her, she underwent surgery to place a “trach” in her air way. The family hoped that the “trach “ would be able to help Kali’s lungs heal on their own and that her lungs would start to regenerate new lung tissue.

The doctors did a CT-scan to get a better look at Kali’s lungs. The scan revealed that her lungs were in very bad condition. It was uncertain how long Kali could keep on going. It was apparent that Kali’s existing lungs could not keep up with her growth. Kali’s health was in serious trouble and alternatives were in order.

After exploring the alternatives, the only option left was a “double lung transplant”. Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston was the clear choice for this operation for many reasons. Best reasons were that they sincerely wanted to help Kali and that their experience with lung transplants on small children stood out over the rest. At around 8 months old, Kali was transported down to Houston for testing to get her on the “donor list”. She was able to get on the list, but her health continued to get much worse. Then the family’s prayers were answered. On April 16, 2007 a qualified donor became available. The next day the outstanding transplant team at Texas Children’s Hospital successfully placed new lungs in Kali’s chest. She is recovering very well and at 9 1⁄2 months old, is the youngest lung transplant recipient at that hospital.

The little fighter is now 13 months old, doing well and is about to go home to Minneapolis for the first time with her parents.

Kali’s mother Janice McKellips said, “She’s never seen our house or her bedroom that’s waiting for her. She’s never slept in her crib.”

“We’ve been very proud of how she’s done,” Dr. Schecter told Eyewitness News. “Kali’s prognosis is very good. Long-term survival in all lung transplants three years post transplant is about 75 percent.”

Doctors all over the world continue to work miracles on these early arrivals. Kali is lucky to have parents that were willing to seek other treatment options to increase her chances of survival.


Kali’s Website

First Wilkinson Quintuplet Heading Home

Just 10 days after they arrived 6 weeks early, the first of the ‘record breaking’ quintuplets will be joining his parents at home.

Ryder Wilkinson, who was born weighing 3 lbs 15 oz, will be the first quint to come home according to dad Jayson’s blog.

Rustin and Kyndall will be following suit in the next few days with Kaydence and Kassidy staying in the special care nursery for a little while longer to learn how to bottle feed.

This family is very fortunate that their babies were born so strong that they only needed to be hospitalized for such a short time. Most preemies need to remain in the hospital until their due date, which in this case would be another 4 weeks.