Matthew Broderick and James Wilkie Scoot in NYC

Matthew Broderick takes son James Wilkie on a scooter ride in the West Village. Judging from the smile on his face, James is clearly enjoying his ride to school.

VERY cute!

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Couple Welcomes Baby With 12 Functioning Fingers, 12 Toes

A San Francisco couple is beaming after becoming the proud parents of a healthy but incredibly rare baby boy this month.

Baby Kamani Hubbard has six-fully formed and functional fingers and toes on his hands and feet. The condition, called “polydactyly”, is not an uncommon genetic trait, but doctors say they’ve never seen a case so remarkable.

When the baby arrived three weeks ago, he seemed so perfect at birth no one noticed.

Because he looked so normal, hospital staff only told Miryoki Gross, Kamani’s mom that the he was six pounds in good health.

It wasn’t until his dad Kris Hubbard noticed this spectacularly rare case of polydactyly: 6-perfect fingers on each hand and 6-perfect toes on each foot.

Some family members of his family have had six fingers, not completely developed.

In fact Kris Hubbard himself had nubs of sixth fingers removed as a child as these non-functional digits routinely are.

The unusual part about this case is that the new baby’s extra digits are functional.

“It’s merely an interesting and beautiful variation rather than a worrisome thing,” said Dr. Michael Treece and St. Luke’s Hospital Pediatrician. “I would be tempted to leave those fingers in place. I realize children would tease each other over the slightest things, and having extra digits on each hand is more than slight. But imagine what sort of a pianist a 12-fingered person would be imagine what sort of a flamenco guitarist, if nothing else think of their typing skills.”

This little guy is so cute, I bet no one would even notice unless someone showed them…Related Articles:


Alyson Hannigan Has ‘Pregnancy Brain’

During her appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show on Friday, Alyson Hannigan revealed that she is finding that being pregnant not only gives her cravings – but makes her feel like a stoned Koala bear.

“I get tired a lot and I have pregnancy brain, which I never realized was a thing but it is,” the expectant mom told the host. “I sort of feel like a Koala bear where I’m slightly stoned all the time and I’ll say the wrong word.”

Not one to miss a good comeback, Ellen DeGeneres responds,

“I’m not pregnant, but I have that brain too. I don’t have an excuse.”

The mom-to-be also told the host about her not so weird craving,

“[I crave] ginger ale big time,” she said. “I didn’t drink soda before and suddenly it was like, ‘I need a ginger ale,’ and surprisingly my mother craved ginger ale when she was pregnant with me as well.”

Octuplets Mom ‘Obsessed With Having Children’

The world was amazed this week after Californian mom Nadya Suleman, 33, welcomed octuplets, the second set ever born in the U.S.

But the amazement quickly turned to concern after it was revealed the the 8 new babies would be joining their 6 siblings, who are all under the age 7.

Yesterday the octuplets grandma revealed that all of the babies we actually implanted and not the result of fertility drugs as previously suspected.

Today, Angela Suleman is speaking out about her daughter’s addiction to having kids saying that she conceived all 14 of her babies through in vitro fertilization. The soon to be busy mom isn’t married and has been fixated on being a mother since she was a teenager.

Last year, Nadya Suleman decided to have more embryos implanted, hoping to have “just one more girl,” her mother told The Los Angeles Times.

“And look what happened. Octuplets. Dear God,” Angela Suleman told the newspaper Friday.

She said she wasn’t supportive of her daughter’s decision to try to get pregnant again.

“It can’t go on any longer,” the grandmother told the AP. “She’s got six children and no husband. I was brought up the traditional way. I firmly believe in marriage. But she didn’t want to get married.”

It wasn’t clear whether the octuplets mother was ever married. Nadya is divorced but the ex-husband isn’t the babies’ father.

All 14 children were conceived using the same sperm donor.

I do not believe that this story can get any crazier… While it is not for us to judge, I want to know who thought it was ok to implant this many embryos into someone who already has done this 5 times before.SOURCE