Ohio Couple Welcomes Home The Last Of Their Sextuplets

After 3 months of care at the Ohio State University Medical Center the last of McGhee sextuplets was discharged home. 

The babies, 4 boys and 2 girls, made news in June when they arrived weighing between 1.5 and 2 pounds each. Now, mom Mia McGhee says her babies are plumping up and range in weight from five to seven pounds. 

Baby Isaac was the last to be discharged from intensive
care. He joins siblings Rozonno Jr., Josiah, Elijah, Madison and Olivia.

“He can breathe on his own,” Mia said.  “Just want to make he’s ready
because he had a lot of scar tissue.” 

Before leaving the hospital yesterday, a medical team of more than 50 people joined Mia and Rozonno McGhee and their children for a special goodbye party. 

“I know the McGhees and I spoke of this day a long time ago,” said Dr. Dave Colombo. “I don’t know if they believed it would actually happen.” 

Hospital staff members gave the family gift baskets full of diapers, baby wipes and other
supplies as well as gift certificates provided by Kroger.

“It’s almost like that chapter is closed we’re opening a new one,” Mia said. “I’m happy I’m finally a mother. Like I said, last year we were mourning the loss of our twin boys, and now I have I have six.” 

The fun begins now.  The family will likely need a small army of volunteers to help keep them on track.  As many parents of sextuplets have said in the past, raising 6 children at once is a challenge – especially for first time parents.

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Featured Review: The phil&teds smart stroller

The new phil&teds smart stroller is the company’s first complete compact stroller. It’s unique design is a departure from anything we have ever seen from the baby gear giant.

Weighing in at 17.4lbs, the smart is a compact stroller that features many options for active families.

Out of the box the smart was very easy to assemble. phil&teds uses magnetic tires that snap together quite easily. After all 4 wheels were in place all I needed to do was install the mudflaps and then I was off and running.

From birth parents have 2 strolling choices; bassinet or infant seat. The additional peanut bassinet gives your baby a safe, comfortable place to sleep while on-the-go. Parents who are low on space will love that it folds flat when not in use and it uses the stroller’s canopy when out strolling. To install it all you do is lift out the stroller seat and pop the peanut in. The canopy’s ability to move back and forth allows parents to shade their child from all directions.

To use an infant seat, simply remove the seat from the frame and pop in the additional travel system adapter to use your Graco Snugride or Graco Snugride 32.

The smart stroller’s seat is made from a state-of-the-art aerocore material that is both durable and easy to clean. This hypo-allergenic, waterproof, UV resistant, non toxic, seat is fabulous! To keep your little one safe the smart has an easily adjustable 5-point harness that is easy to latch but hard for them to open. Holes in the back of the seat make sure that your child stays cool in the Summer and an additional cushy ride insert or lambskin seat liner to protect them from the elements during the cooler months. The seat does recline slightly, but not enough to be comfortable for a sleeping infant. For this reason, the stroller seat is rated for use only with babies 3-4 months + up to 44lbs.

To shade your child, phil&teds uses an easy to adjust nylon canopy that can be positioned to ‘follow the sun’. While I like this concept, I would like one that can be fixed to the seat so that my son can’t fiddle with it while we are out. It is, however, a tall canopy for a travel stroller and it features UPF50+ sun protection, which blocks over 98.5% of UV rays!

For our test we took it to the park, market and mall. Under all of these conditions the smart pushed like a dream with very little effort. The stroller’s reasonably small footprint allowed it to navigate beautifully through crowds, busy stores and tight aisleways. phil&teds uses a clever 9″ and 7″ foam wheel combination with added rear suspension on the smart to give it a nice smooth ride. For me, the 37″ handle height was fine, but my husband who is 5’11” wanted it to be a bit higher. The addition of telescopic handles would be perfect to accommodate both of us.

The storage on this stroller is good because it’s easily accessible from all sides. While out I was able to store a medium sized diaper bag under the stroller without any problems. 

Overall I was impressed with this tiny – but mighty stroller. It doesn’t fold up to be the size of a stick, but it folds flat for easy storage and travel. It’s ability to accommodate a bassinet (the peanut) and infant car seat also make it a good choice for parents who want a stroller that will grow with their family.   


  • Folded – 37.4 x 17.7 x 7.9″
Price $249 for stroller or $360 for the smart bundle (stroller & peanut bassinet)

 *Thank you to phil&teds for sending us a sample stroller for review*