First Photos Of Isla and Sacha’s Baby: Olive

New parents Isla Fisher and Sacha Baron Cohen spent some time with daughter Olive, at Malibu Bluffs Park last week. The baby arrived on October 17th in Los Angeles.

At the time of her birth a ‘source’ was quoted as saying

“Isla and Sacha are over the moon with their newborn daughter. They wanted to wait until they saw the baby to pick a name. Both agreed Olive is perfect for her.”

PHOTOCREDIT: David Schumacher via People and AUSSIEBUBBLOG

Toddler With Eight Limbs To Undergo Life-Saving Operation

In July I reported on a baby that was born with 4 legs. It is a rare condition that is said to happen when a set of twins fails to separate inutero.

I wonder if this condition occurs more than we know because a toddler in the UK is currently waiting to have half of the extra limbs she was born with; removed. Lakshmi Tatma is set to undergo a 40-hour operation to remove two of her useless arms and legs.

The tot was born joined to a ‘parasitic twin’ (a second baby that it is incompletely formed or wholly dependent on the body functions of the complete fetus.)

The headless ‘twin’ is joined to Lakshmi at the pelvis and has its own spinal column and kidney.

Without the operation the little girl would never be able to walk or crawl and would be unlikely to live past her early teens, doctors said.

The extraordinary eight-limbed baby was born in a poverty-stricken region of Bihar, India – on the day devoted to the celebration of the four-armed Hindu deity Vishnu.

Lakshmi’s mom believes her daughter was “a miracle, a reincarnation” of Vishnu, a mystical figure that is thought to be the master of and beyond the past, present and future, the creator and destroyer of all existences, one who supports, sustains and governs the Universe and originates and develops all elements within.

Vishnu has 4 arms, but only 2 legs. Lakshmi has 4 of each making her more special!

The operation is expected to cost about £100,000 and luckily for this family, is not the most complex in the world.



iPod Touch Baby Onesie

How cute is this onesie???

It is a replica of the ultra popular iphone/ipod touch. Instead of having call or music features this t has burp, drink and nap options.

Available at for $17.95. Offered in 2 sizes 6-12 months and 12-18 months.

Researchers Pick and Choose Which TV Shows are OK For Toddlers

First they say that TV is bad, now they saw it isn’t so bad if you watch these shows…

A new study of early TV-watching and future attention problems reveals that “Arthur” and “Barney” are OK for toddler TV-watching, but not “Rugrats” and certainly not “.

The research involved children younger than 3, so TV is mostly a no-no anyway, according to the experts. But if TV is allowed, it should be of the educational variety, the researchers said.

Every hour per day that kids under 3 watched violent child-oriented entertainment their risk doubled for attention problems five years later, the study found. Even nonviolent kids’ shows like “Rugrats” and “The Flintstones” carried a still substantial risk for attention problems, though slightly lower.

On the other hand, educational shows, including “Arthur,” “Barney” and “Sesame Street” had no association with future attention problems.

I wonder how Dora, Diego and Backyardigans rate? SOURCE