Obus Forme Makes A Kick Butt Diaper Bag!!

Most people know the Obus Forme company for their back support systems for office chairs and pillows.

That’s why I am sure that new moms wouldn’t even think to look at their site for diaper bags, but they should.

Their diaper bag/diaper backpack might just be the most perfect bag for that over organized mom or obsessive compulsive dad (my husband).

It features:

  • MP3 player/cell phone pocket on the front strap for easy one-hand operation
  • Padded mat for comfortable and safe diaper changes
  • Large compartments for diapers, clothes, toys, blankets, and other items that a “on-the-go” parent will need
  • Smaller Velcro compartments for quick access and organization
  • 2 Discreet insulated bottle holders
  • Wide Waist Strap for comfort
  • Padded Handle
  • Rope Zipper Pull

Safety Features

This bag was designed with 8 features to properly balance the weight of the pack so it sits close to the body to lighten the load by 30%.

Parents of more than one child prefer to carry a backpack when taking the kids out. It allows them to be hands free to carry both kids if needed.

Please visit obusforme.com for more details and online retailers.

Keri Russell Talks About Motherhood on The View

New mom Keri Russell spoke to the ladies of The View about new son River and his exciting labour.

On weight loss:

“I would love to say that I worked out everyday, but it is truly genetics. It’s like your kinda thin. I mean you have what you have…”

On Labour:

“Your first baby they always say that it’s going to take forever. Little did I know that once my water broke, I thought that only happened in the movies. Once my water broke it was GAME ON! Those contractions – it was like a whole other world. I was like get in that car and get me to the hospital. So were in Brooklyn, we hired a gypsy cab, it takes forever to get there. Friday afternoon – rush hour traffic. An hour and a half going about a block a minute. I in the backseat of the cab, I can see the poor driver going Oh My God as I am screaming.”

In the end Keri was in labour for a total of 38 hours, but she does not seem to mind because her little boy is worth it.

She also revealed that she is still breast feeding 5 months in, which is nice to hear as well.

Introducing Sabrina Sakaë Mottola

New parents Thalia and Tommy Mottola introduce their new baby to the world in this months edition of Hola!