Fame Hasn’t Changed The Gosselins

Even though she had 8 babies in three years, has a television show viewed by 3 million people each week and a best-selling book, Kate Gosselin – mother of twins and sextuplets – insists she is the same person she always was.

“We are the same people and have not changed within ourselves, but our situation in everyday life has changed,” the busy mom recently revealed.

“The fact that we cannot go anywhere without being surrounded by fans — that part is difficult for me and always will be. I am finding, though, that with the release of our first book I am enjoying signing it and seeing the joy on people’s faces as they talk about it,” she continues.

Jon and Kate Gosselins are parents of twins Mady and Cara, 8, and sextuplets Collin, Leah, Joel, Hannah, Aaden and Alexis, 4. The Pennsylvania family became household names through the top-rated TLC show “Jon & Kate Plus Ei8ht,” which airs new episodes at 9 p.m. Mondays.

During a recent interview Kate spoke about her new book Multiple Blessings, which talks of her dramatic pregnancy, long hospital stay and the joy and chaos of bringing the babies home.

“Reliving the very difficult experiences in our lives was difficult when writing the book. But I now know without a doubt that God loves us and will always provide for us. We just need to let go of our control and allow God to have control.”

“Jon & Kate Plus Ei8ht” truly is a reality show. The cameras reveal the chaos of their home, but also the loving, caring and organized environment the couple create.

“Jon is as elated that our story is in print for our children, as am I. He looks at our show as our job, and it has its goods and bads, the same as with any job,” Kate continues

“We are really blessed, because the show allows us to both work from home and at least one parent is here with our kids all the time.”

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Jon and Kate Plus 8

I write a lot about mega multiples on this site because they are rare, but interesting.

I have recently started watching Jon and Kate Gosselin’s show on TLC called ‘Jon and Kate Plus 8′.

The popular network follows the family through their everyday life of chaos as they try keep peace and control in their home.
The couple has a set of twins and a set of sextuplets, all born by fertility treatments.

Kate delivered the sextuplets on May 10th, 2004. The babies arrived at 30 weeks gestation weighing between 2.5lbs and 3lbs. At birth all babies need to be on ventilators.

With each episode that I watch, I am utterly amazed at Kate’s ability to keep her household under control.

She prepares all of the families meals from scratch and tries to use as much organic food as possible.

The couple estimates that monthly grocery bills only run them approximately $150/week with their monthly bill sitting between $600-$800.

Each baby has their own crib, but they all share a room. Instead of having big bulky highchairs the couple has opted to use wooden restaurant type model that can be stacked on top of each other when not in use.

When the subject of mega multiples comes up, most people argue that it is virtually impossible for each child to feel special in a home with so many kids.

Jon and Kate do many things to give each child an identity and let them all know they are special. Last year for their 2nd birthday, friends and family sang happy birthday 6 times so that each child could have their own birthday song.

This show is reality TV without the backstabbing, scandal and shocking surprises. Kate Gosselin is Betty Crocker, Martha Stewart and the mom next door all wrapped up in one.

They don’t believe in keeping up with the Jones’, they just want what’s best for their kids.

For parents who think that their life is chaotic, watch this show. It will put everything in perspective. This mom NEVER stops.

The show airs at 10:00 tonight on Discovery (US) and Monday nights at 10:00 on TLC in Canada.