D’Lila Star and Jessie James In Baby Couture

Diddy’s girls D’Lila Star and Jessie James star in Baby Couture‘s fashion issue donning many adorable fashionable outfits.

For the Cover the girls wear Zutano Maple Bolero sweaters paired with their plume printed skirts.

Inside the magazine the twins get a generous spread in which they wear some of the cutest clothes available.We recently reviewed the velvet flowered hats that both girls wear while being held by their mom in Kim’s fabulous closet.

Diddy and Twins At Making The Band 4 Finale

Diddy shows off his twins D’lila Star and Jessie James at the season finale of Making The Band 4 in NYC.

The girls are all decked out in matching Adidas tracksuits…SO cute!!


Diddy’s Twins D’lila Star and Jessie James in US Magazine

Diddy’s adorable twins turned one last week(December 21st) and US Magazine was there to capture their cuteness.

What I’d like to know is how they got the two of them to sit so nicely, long enough to get such a nice picture?

I know that all of you moms out there are thinking the same thing.