The Duggar Family Welcomes Baby Number 17

Congratulations to Michelle and Jim Duggar on the safe arrival of their 17th baby Jennifer Danielle.


The Duggars say Jennifer Danielle was born at 10:01 a.m this morning at Saint Mary’s Hospital in Rogers. Jennifer weighed 8 pounds, 8 ounces and arrived five days after Michelle’s due date.

Less than 30 minutes after giving birth, the Duggars already were talking of having more.

Michelle Duggars says the family would “love to have more” and — QUOTE — “love the ruffles and lace.”

Jennifer joins the fast-growing Duggar brood, who live in Tontitown in a 7,000-square-foot home. All the children – whose names start with the letter J – are home-schooled.

The oldest is 19 and the youngest, before Jennifer, is almost 2 years old.

Jennifer joins siblings: Joshua, 19; John David, 17; Janna, 17; Jill, 16; Jessa, 14; Jinger, 13; Joseph, 12; Josiah, 11; Joy-Anna, 9; Jedidiah, 8; Jeremiah, 8; Jason 7; James 6; Justin, 4; Jackson, 3; Johanna, almost 2.

We wish the Duggars the best!


Related Articles:

UPDATE: No Baby Yet For Duggar Family
At Home With The Duggar Family


16 Responses

  1. Halleluia! Congratulations to Jim-BOb, Michelle and the rest of the Duggar Dynasty! JD is BEAUTIFUL!!!! God bless all of you. Sincerely, Rm Lloyd, Elberon, NJ



  4. so sad, so many kids, not even the two year old gets to be the baby for long and she is already talking of more and the new baby isn’t even THIRTY minutes old! Give the children a chance to SHINE love the ONES YOU HAVE!!!!

  5. I think this is absolutely insane! Why on earth do these people think they can keep on having babies?? The kids have to grow up basically in the family with no outside freedom/fun. And home school, well that just makes it worse. They have no idea what it is like outside of this chaos.

  6. Congratulations on the new baby. What an amazing family!

  7. I think the parents ought to be shot. Nobody can give the proper amount of love and attention to so many children.Who supports them? The church?
    The government? Who??!! And what about the
    health of the planet? They will all consume increasingly scarce resources and create waste,and then have families of their own.Maybe childbirth
    is a miracle and a blessing,but these fools are milking a sacred cow.

  8. This family is debt free by living a simple and practical lifestyle.

    If I had the choice, I would pick Michelle Duggar to populate the planet over some parents out there that leave their children in the car while they go into the grocery store for an hour or abandon them hours after birth.

    This family teaches their children love, respect and responsibility, something that is missing from our society sometimes.

    If their children go on to re produce and carry on the with the tradition of having offspring that help out around the house, treat others with respect and excel at musical arts, that may help the world become a better place.

  9. I think that is is wonderful that you have to many kids. I no that you love each and every one of them. I watch your show when every it is on. When I grow up i want to have a lot of kids to. The people that left negitive comments about your family has no respect for you or your family. Hope everything is going good and that baby Jennifer is healthy.

  10. God bless this new addition. I think this is a incredible family that is apparently filled with the love of God in which they all try their best to live as Jesus has commanded them. They are close-knit, loving, responsible and dependant only on God and each other. Daniel, you need to find out what you are talking about before opening your mouth or posting negative blogs. Even if the Duggars had a splinter, you need to first work on removing your plank. With the same measure that you judge others, God will also judge you. Duggars enjoy the new addition and I personally admire the incredible feat you have taken on and think it is perhaps your calling in life, because I see that the Lord has equipped you and this whole family for this. God bless all of you. Continue to shine your light before men.

  11. Shirley,
    Dad, Jim-Bob, is in the family photo. Look again.

  12. Wow what a wonderful family…and yes dad is in the picture..I have four children and i get stares just from them….I try to teach my children the same things but as soon as people see how many kids you have with you they tend to think that you cant control them and you are just a baby making happy for you..good luck and god bless.

  13. For each child a woman brings to the world, she shortens her life-span by 95 weeks.

  14. We need more people who actually love children and do such a beautiful job raising them to have a family like this, I would have LOVED to be in a family that is so close. Instead of being more involved with kids at school and extracurricular activities than my family. I don’t even know those people that I spent so much time with in a turning point in my life. I love it that these parents have dedicated their lives and time to their children! I’ve seen the show and the kids are amazingly confident, close and smart!

  15. I think this is going to be her last baby. She had problems with the fifthteenth one, the hospital almost didn’t let her have the sixteenth one because of baby Jackson’s birth, and the seventeenth one was a week late. Yep, I really believe it’s going to be the last. Unless they decide to adopt.

    I always wondered why this family recieved attention before all of those other families with 13, 14, 15, and 16 kids. It’s probably because she was having her 15th kid and more when the Duggars recieved media attention. There is another family known as the Heppners who have 16 kids (27 to 3 or 4 years old) plus a 17th one adopted and two newborn grandkids. The Jeubs have 13 kids (soon to be 14; 23 to 3 or 5 years old) and a toddler grandson. The Ardnts have 14 kids (27 to 4 years; 13 boys and 1 girl). See…all big families with more kids than the Duggars (before Jackson, Johannah, and Jennifer were born) and no media attention until several months ago.

  16. these ppl are insane. seriously this woman is gunna be seriously depressed when she hits menopausse. these poor kids hav no life and probably no friends outside their family

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