At Home With The Duggar Family

I have been a little fascinated with this family since seeing the documentary on them on TLC.

Jim Bob and Michelle have done an exceptional job of keeping their family organized, educated, fed and clothed. Michelle home schools all of her children, plus each child plays an instrument, which they practise at night.

People magazine successfully got a glimpse into the unbelievable life of this massive family and documented it in this week’s magazine.

Michelle is expecting her 17th baby in July and the couple has no plans of tying the tubes or snipping the source anytime soon.

Shortly after the birth of their first child they threw out the birth control and let God decide how many kids they were to have. He must think that they are doing a great job because he just keeps sending them down…and they keep taking them.

I will be interested to see if they continue to conceive after the birth of their 17th baby. They can’t go on like this forever…can they?

Related Articles:

UPDATE: No Baby Yet For Duggar Family 



2 Responses

  1. I saw your documentory on (I think) 20/20, or Dateline. You made a special cassorole that I’d love to have the recipe for. Can you please help me find it.

  2. I always think it’s wonderful to have kids they make life so woderful. I have four and that’s all for me. But haveing seventeen is a nuts!! If the duggars can do it then I guess good for them right? when I was growing up my friend had 12 in her family her mom wanted more but her doctor told her it wasn’t safe for her to have anymore. I would think a doctor would tell her that seventeen is to much! having that many kids takes time off you life your body never has a chance to heal way do that to yourself? Yes haveing babies is great but there is a time when you have to stop having them!!!! If it’s a world Record there going for on how many kids they can have well I think that’s dumb like I said the body can only handle so much and hopefully they think about her health before adding again to the world.

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