Amazing Baby Born Weighing 560 gms Thriving at 1 Year!

I am always amazed when I read how well some of these little fighters do after the rocky, crazy beginnings they perservere through.

Last February, Charlie Jo Glover arrived 16 weeks early weighing just 560 gms. She was immediately put on oxygen, in an incubator as she clung on to life with a 50% chance of survival.

Despite the odds, the little figher now weighs a healthy 15lb 3oz and will be one-year-old tomorrow. She did so well in the NICU, doctors allowed her to be home with her parents 3 weeks before her due date.

And now after a bunch of tests, she has finally been given the all-clear. Her mom, Janice Snalam says:

“Charlie Jo’s fantastic. She’s got two teeth, she’s eating off a spoon and she’s sitting up on her own.” “She’s had her eyes and her ears checked, she’s absolutely perfect. Charlie Jo’s first birthday is such a milestone for us. She was so very poorly when she was born, we didn’t think she would survive.”

Happy Birthday Charlie! We hope that you enjoy the all the millions of gifts were sure your parents will be getting you!! SOURCE

I’m THAT Mom…

Before I had my son, I would see other moms at the grocery store hauling their screaming, fussy kids around and think that’s NEVER going to be me.

After I had my son, I would see moms at the grocery store opening packages of food that they hadn’t yet paid for and feed the contents to their kids. I knew that this was definitely not going to be me.

My child would have the patience to sit in the cart quietly while I searched the store for what we needed. He would never need to be fed at the store and would certainly NEVER cry.

Yesterday I realized that I was THAT mom. I had the crabby screaming child that was being plied with deli meats and extreme cheese goldfish crackers in order to stop him from jumping out of the cart or complaining incessantly about the length of our shopping trip.

I was that mom that was zooming up and down the aisles trying to remember what we needed quickly so that I could just get home for some piece and quiet. AND

I was that person that childless people look at and think “God! Can that woman not control her child” and there was nothing I could do about it.

The grocery store seems to be the one place that I really want my son to be good at, but he just doesn’t have it in him.

The whole experience starts out so positive, but goes down the tubes SO quickly.

I attribute the bad behavior to the over-stimulation.

There are millions of things everywhere that look like they need to be played with, except your child can’t get to them because they are locked in a cart – 4 feet off the ground! The sad part is that I have no idea how to make this chore go better. I load my pockets with toys, sing silly songs and bring treats to keep him happy.

I sometimes wonder if I should I just admit defeat and know that the grocery store will be a war zone until he’s old enough to drive the cart himself?

Any ideas? Please tell me I’m not alone…

Javine Hylton Bares Her BUMP in Closer Magazine

UK Singer Javine Hylton is the latest mom to be to do the Demi in a magazine. The first time mom talks to the mag about her pregnancy experience saying:

“I feel a bit rubbish about myself. “I’m usually 107lbs, but I’ve put on 30lbs. All I’m doing is sitting at home and eating! My bum’s got really big – it has its own little personality.”

“Harvey (her partner) takes the mickey out of my bum. I guess it’s hard for your partner. The body that was ‘theirs’ suddenly looks completely different, and I don’t think they look at you in quite the same way.”

While it’s hard to see the bigger picture when your as big as a house and just want the baby out, my guess is that she will love the way she looked after the baby has arrived…