Elisabeth Hasselbeck Returns To The View With Taylor Thomas In Arms

Talk show host Elisabeth Hasselbeck returned to The View this morning after her 2 month maternity leave with baby in arms.

The very content Taylor Thomas looked as though he was going to cry for just a second, but then sat quietly for the rest of his time on stage.

I love how candid Elisabeth is. When Whoopi asked how the ‘feeding thing’ was going, the bubbly co-host answered

“All day long. He’s huge! He almost 12 pounds. He’s constantly on me. I call myself the Dairy Queen.”

How’s Grace doing:

“She’s great! She’s such a good big sister.”

Elisabeth’s secret to looking so great so quickly after delivering:

“Wear Prints!”

After the show was over OK Magazine spoke with the new mom about how Tim, her husband, was doing in his role as Mr. Mom.

“You name it, he does it. He’ll change diapers,” Elisabeth said “He takes Gracie out on daddy-daughter dates. They’ll go get ice-cream or root beer floats. He really knows how to make a child feel special.”

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Happiness = Healthiness

Research suggests that ‘a happy heart is a healthy heart’.

When you are unhappy your body releases a ‘stress hormone’ that, when chronically elevated, may contribute to high blood pressure, abdominal obesity and dampened immune function, among other problems.

In the study, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, women who reported more positive emotions had lower blood levels of two proteins that indicate widespread inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation is believed to contribute to a range of ills over time, including heart disease and cancer.

Researchers have long noted that happier people tend to be in better health than those who are persistently stressed, hostile or pessimistic. But the reasons are still being studied.

The bottom line is that sometimes we don’t know what we have until its gone. Enjoy your family, health and freedom today. Life is too short to fill your body with toxins due to stress.


Mom Finally Gets To Hold Baby After He Spends 3 Months in ‘Bubble’

Meet Logan Wilkieson. He is smiling because his parents are finally able to hold after spending 3 months in a bubble.

Logan, aged nine months, has had to peer through the clear walls of his make-shift home in a hospital ward and wasn’t even allowed a kiss from his mother.

The baby has a rare condition which affects his immune system called Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Syndrome. The slightest infection could be fatal.

After successfully receiving a stem-cell transplant and blood transfusion in November, he was given the all clear to come out of the bubble and move to the halfway house to recover.

His parents are now free to smother him with love and kisses, which he probably loves. For the first time they can take him for walks and he is able to crawl about.

The disease affects just one in 100,000 babies, but it can be cured if diagnosed early enough.

Logan has been recovering so well that doctors think that he may be home in 4 weeks. We wish the family well!!


Babies Get ‘Wired’ For Autism Study

Every year 1 in 150 babies is diagnosed with Autism making it the fastest growing disability. With a 10 to 15% increase in diagnoses each year, researchers are eager to find out more about the disability.

The Baby Lab project studies up to 20 children at a time, examining what is going on inside their heads as they are shown a variety of different objects or colours.

128 probes are attached to the child’s scalp, monitoring electromagnetic brain activity. Scientists gather information they hope could lead to a breakthrough in the understanding of autism.

Initially the probes were too heavy and uncomfortable for the babies, but engineers-have now created a lightweight net of foam-covered sensors which makes the experience much more palatable.

One of the key areas of study is eyesight, which changes dramatically from the first few weeks when a baby cannot focus on objects further than eight to 15 inches away, to being able to track objects such as a toy at greater distances.

It is amazing to me that a child this small would allow this many probes to be placed on their head.

I once saw a newborn undergo a brain study while my son was in the NICU and it was heartbreaking to hear her cry hysterically because there was so much stuff on her head.

Both the parents and the children deserve a lot of respect for having the patience to participate in this study.

I hope the findings are able to help scientists better understand the changes and functions of the brain.

For more information on the study please visit the article written by the Daily Mail and for more information on the Autism please visit the Autism Society website.

I Play In A Pirate Ship!

Posh Tots, the ultimate location for unique kids stuff, has this great Pirate Ship that has multi-level decks, stairs, and a slide. It has great areas for your kids to just sit and read, play hide and go seek or hang out and chat.

If your husband is creative, he may be able to hang a television from the top deck to make a cool place to watch favorite movies.

Make sure that you have lots of room in your house because it is designed for indoor use only.

Conforms to ASTM and CSPC Indoor Play Equipment Guidelines. Constructed of hardwood. Deck height is 22.75″. Some assembly is required. $1,798