Twins Born Within Minutes of Each Other Conceived 3 Weeks Apart

Charlotte Mullineux had been pregnant with twins when at seven weeks she miscarried one of them. At that time the ultrasound tech noticed that there was a ‘blob’ in her uterus, but thought it was just an egg that hadn’t dissipated yet.

Two weeks later, at her follow up, it was discovered that the ‘blob’ had grown into a second baby that was conceived 3 weeks after the first baby.

It was explained that Charlotte had a rare case of superfetation, where the body carries on releasing more eggs for fertilization after a pregnancy has already started. It meant that, technically, she could have become pregnant again each month during her pregnancy.

The expectant mom had issues throughout her pregnancy causing the babies to arrive early. Thomas was born at 6.32pm on May 4, weighing 5lb 6oz, and Harriet at 6.33pm weighing 4lb 1oz.

The ‘twins’ to stay in the special care nursery for 3 weeks.

As to be expected with babies that are not identical twins, Thomas is described as “tall and lanky” and “very laid-back”, while Harriet is “short and stumpy” and “interested in everything”.

These two babies are not being called twins because they were conceived at different times. I referred to them as twins because they were born on the same day.

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