Keri and River at The Park

Keri Russell and son River, 7 months, visit a NYC park on Monday.

Like Jennifer Garner, Keri is constantly out with her baby, taking him everywhere.

It is nice to see these young celebrities juggling their careers and motherhood so effortlessly.

Did I mention how great Keri looks? This photo looks like it is part of an ad campaign. Simple and beautiful!


Indianapolis Couple Shows Off Their Quints

On October 19th, 2007 Manna Manley welcomed her quintuplets into the world after only being pregnant for 28 weeks.

At birth the babies were small, but feisty, weighing between 1 lb 4.8 ozs and 2 lbs 2.7 ozs.

Now 12 weeks later, Anna Belle, Thomas David, Hanna Marie, Matthew Daniel and Lili Anne are doing so well, they no longer need assistance breathing. All five babies are in cribs, which means that they are one step closer to coming home. got this exclusive photo of the five bundled up in a crib.

The couple’s official site has more pictures and updates.

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Study Reveals That Air Pollution Reduces Fetus Size

A study done is Australia over a 10-year period, has revealed that air pollution plays an important role in shrinking the size of the fetus during pregnancy.

The researchers at QUT’s Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation compared more than 15,000 ultrasounds done on fetuses between 13 and 26 weeks gestation to air pollution levels within a 14km radius of the city of Brisbane.

“The study found that mothers with a higher exposure to air pollution had fetuses that were, on average, smaller in terms of abdominal circumference, head circumference and femur length,” said Dr Adrian Barnett, senior research fellow Queensland University of Technology

“To our knowledge this is the first study of its kind as it uses ultrasound measurement as a direct estimate of growth, rather than using birth weight as a delayed measure of growth. When analysing scans from women at different distances to monitoring sites, we found that there was a negative relationship between pollutants such as sulphur dioxide found in diesel emissions, and ultrasound measurement. If the pollution levels were high the size of the fetus decreased significantly,” said Dr Barnett.”

Fetus size during pregnancy is important because babies that were born bigger tend to be healthier in childhood and adulthood.

“Birth weight is a major predictor of later health, for example, bigger babies have been shown to have higher IQs in childhood and lower risk of cardiovascular disease in adulthood,” he said.


Halle Berry On The Cover Of In Style

Expectant mom Halle Berry graces the cover of In Style magazine this month.

The Oscar winning star recently said that pregnancy has made her “three times the girl” she usually is, as well as the recipient of some unexpected benefits.

“This is the first red carpet that I’ve walked down where I didn’t have to think about holding in my stomach – because I can’t.”