Baby Mix-Up Mom Refuses To Switch Baby Back

We reported on Tuesday about 2 families in the Czech Republic that had recently discovered that the baby each had been caring for as their own, was not their biological child.

The 2 mothers gave birth at the same hospital, on the same day, 15 minutes apart. On the second day, both moms noticed a weight difference in their infants, but were told that their proper weight was not recorded properly at birth.


One of the fathers started to think that something was up when his friends were constantly pointing out that their child looking nothing like them. Both parents are brunettes with brown eyes and the baby was blond hair, blue eyed.

After two failed paternity tests, the parents contacted the hospital and were put in contact with the family that had their biological child.

The two families had decided to spend more time with each other and then switch the babies back just before their first birthday’s(December 9th).

Now, it is being reported that one of the mothers is refusing to switch her baby.

Jaroslava Trojanova (pictured right with biological daughter) said she would not be able to give up the baby she still considers her daughter.

She said: “She is my daughter. I cannot look at her in any other way. I cannot imagine separating from her.”

Her partner, Mr Broza, 29, a lorry driver, said: “I cannot even describe in words how horrible this feels. How could this have happened? I feel enraged and helpless at the same time. What are we supposed to do?”

The Director of Trebic Hospital, revealed in a news conference yesterday that two nurses in the maternity ward that were found responsible for the mix-up and had been dismissed.

Five additional employees, including doctors and health managers, have been reprimanded and moved to other wards.


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