Victoria and Romeo Pumpkin Hunt

All together now…Awww!!!

Look at how cute Victoria Beckham and son Romeo, 5, look at the pumpkin patch earlier this week.

Although the Beckhams are not used to Halloween festivities in their native England, they are adapting well to American culture. “I’ve got three Batmans at home right now,” she says of her sons’ costumes. “We will go trick or treating tonight.”


Russell Crowe and Family Out In LA

Russell Crowe and and his wife, Danielle Spencer, took their two children, Charles, 3, and Tennyson, 1, for a walk in West Hollywood October 30.The boys each ride in a Mountain Buggy Urban Elite Stroller($429).

Mountain Buggy also makes this exact stroller in a double version. I can’t figure out why they would have two singles instead of a double. Maybe they do separate playdates and need each child to have their own ride…


Bundle Your Baby With The 7am ‘Blanket 212 evolution’

When looking to keep your baby warm, you will find no shortage of products for the infant car seat.

After your child grows out of the infant seat your choices for warmth in the stroller start to dwindle.

7am has a product called the ‘Blanket 212 evolution’. It is a unique bunting bag that will grow with your child as they get bigger.

Equipped with zippered length and width extensions, the “B212 evolution” adapts to any stroller or car seat and converts into a large blanket.

It is constructed with an ergonomic hood, thermal filling and a waterproof shell. The ‘Blanket’ is the ideal baby outerwear that will keep your child warm and dry from head to toe.

As warm, light and fluffy as down, the ultra soft premium fiber insulation and waterproof shell give your babies the warmth and nurturing comfort they need during the cold winter months’ activities, be it on the ski slopes, at the campsite or in town.

The blanket is machine washable and available through 7am’s official website for $199. Offered in 5 colour combinations including pink-grey(shown left) and turquoise-navy (top left)

Study Finds: Treadmill Training Helps Down Syndrome Children Walk Sooner

A new study involving 30 babies has found that treadmills can help infants with Down syndrome learn how to walk months earlier than traditional therapies.

Parents of babies with Down syndrome were asked to help their children walk on the treadmills for eight minutes a day, five days a week. They sat on a bench which straddled the machine and held their babies as the treadmill belt encouraged them to take steps.

This exercise helped the babies learn to walk up to four or five months earlier than traditional physical therapy alone, the study found.

More intensive training helped the babies to walk even sooner, the study found.

The intensity of the training for half the babies was increased gradually after the infant could take 10, 20, and 30 steps per minute.

Children with Down syndrome generally don’t learn to walk until 24-28 months, about a year after children without developmental disabilities.Getting them walking sooner can help improve their social skills, motor skills, perception and spatial cognition, said study author Dale Ulrich of the University of Michigan’s Division of Kinesiology.

“The key is if we can get them to walk earlier and better then they can explore their environment earlier and when you start to explore, you learn about the world around you,” Ulrich said. “Walking is a critical factor in development in every other domain.”


Baby Delivered in Car By Doctor Parents

It was an exciting day at the side of the Interstate 78 yesterday when a baby decided to arrive just minutes from the hospital.

Eileen Quintana went into labour at 4am, but didn’t decide to head to the hospital for 3 hours. Unfortunately it was rush hour and the hospital was 90 minutes away.

“I told Stephen(her husband), ‘I think the baby is coming, I feel the head,’ he said, ‘No, no were going to make it,'” Quintana said.

As he started to drive faster his two year old son, who was in the backseat holding moms hand, saying “Race car, race car, having a blast”.

Obviously his race car driving skills didn’t work because:

Bryce Abigail Naylor, all 7 pounds, 8 ounces of her, made her debut along the shoulder of the highway, just a half mile from the hospital.”I could see the exit sign when we were delivering her.

I was pretty sure we were going to make it. We were so darn close,” Naylor said.

The proud parents not only delivered their baby but they clamped and cut the cord, then continued on their way to the emergency room. Everyone is fine, including young Daniel, whose big-brother instincts immediately kicked in.”The first thing he said was, ‘She needs a shirt,’ and I said, ‘OK, we’ll put it on the list of things to do.'” Quintana said.

As doctors, they know Bryce’s birth wasn’t the ideal of circumstances, but they wouldn’t change it for the world.”

Certainly I wouldn’t recommend having a baby in the back seat but it was a special moment where the whole family was together,” Naylor said.

I guess if you want to have a baby at the side of the road, you want to have at least one doctor there. What are the chances that both parents, who are doctors, would have to deliver their own baby remotely? Slim…