Would You Use A Cloth Menstrual Pad?

Lately I have been researching different brands of cloth diapers. I think I have looked through about a million cloth diaper websites looking for a product that may suit my sons needs.

On many of these sites I have noticed that along with environmentally friendly products for baby, there are eco-friendly, cost effective options for moms.

The cloth menstrual pad seems to be gaining as much popularity as the cloth diaper. My question is would you wear a menstrual pad that you had to wash?

Cloth pads are not only useful for menstrual use, they can also be used for incontinence, to keep your underpants clean and dry between periods, during pregnancy, or even after sex. Cloth pads come in several sizes and absorbencies to suit the different uses and needs of the users.

Many women get turned off because they think cloth pads will be dirty, bulky, hard to wash and stain easily. The manufacturers way of avoiding the stain issue – creating a disposable out of coloured material! For women who still like to have a fresh looking pad, an organic ivory coloured on is also available.

Washing instructions: Like cloth diapers, it is recommended that you soak the cloth pads in water until you are able to do a load (1-2 days).

I have to say that the women who designed these cloth pads have thought of everything. Most are handmade, come in every style that disposables do and even include snaps, which are just like the ‘wings’ on other products.

With all that being said, I am not sure that after doing 3 loads of cloth diapers a week and endless loads of regular clothes, that I want to add cloth menstrual pads to the mix.

If any of our moms use these pads, please leave a comment and let me know your thoughts.


One Response

  1. I *do* use cloth menstrual pads, and I have been doing so for about 3 years now. I wish I’d been brave enough to take the plunge years earlier. Why didn’t someone tell me that they’re so much more comfortable!

    They don’t stick to you and make that plastic screeching sound when you pull down your knickers. They don’t chafe. They don’t leave you feeling wet and soggy on your heavy days (they breathe). They don’t start smelling all vinegary if it’s hot and you can’t get away to change them on time (although they will happily let the blood through and stain your clothes instead). They don’t bunch up and start fraying as the adhesive sticks to itself rather than your panties. They don’t have sharp edges where the plastic has folded.

    They’re a little thicker than the cheap pads, but I found that by the second month I couldn’t really tell if I was wearing them without checking by say squeezing my legs together. They aren’t completely odourless, I notice a smell of blood when I pull them down at the loo. But this beats that weird plastic+blood+ew smell I used to have even after I’d only been wearing the pad for 30 minutes.

    They can get *very* smelly if you leave them soaking during hot weather for more than 2 days. But so does the bucket of grey water we collect from washing our hands in the laundry if we don’t empty it often enough. Still this is a draw-back, but one you’d be familiar with since obviously you’d know not to leave diapers soaking for more than a day or two too.

    So anyway, I can heartily recommend giving them a go!

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