Jon and Kate Plus 8

I write a lot about mega multiples on this site because they are rare, but interesting.

I have recently started watching Jon and Kate Gosselin’s show on TLC called ‘Jon and Kate Plus 8′.

The popular network follows the family through their everyday life of chaos as they try keep peace and control in their home.
The couple has a set of twins and a set of sextuplets, all born by fertility treatments.

Kate delivered the sextuplets on May 10th, 2004. The babies arrived at 30 weeks gestation weighing between 2.5lbs and 3lbs. At birth all babies need to be on ventilators.

With each episode that I watch, I am utterly amazed at Kate’s ability to keep her household under control.

She prepares all of the families meals from scratch and tries to use as much organic food as possible.

The couple estimates that monthly grocery bills only run them approximately $150/week with their monthly bill sitting between $600-$800.

Each baby has their own crib, but they all share a room. Instead of having big bulky highchairs the couple has opted to use wooden restaurant type model that can be stacked on top of each other when not in use.

When the subject of mega multiples comes up, most people argue that it is virtually impossible for each child to feel special in a home with so many kids.

Jon and Kate do many things to give each child an identity and let them all know they are special. Last year for their 2nd birthday, friends and family sang happy birthday 6 times so that each child could have their own birthday song.

This show is reality TV without the backstabbing, scandal and shocking surprises. Kate Gosselin is Betty Crocker, Martha Stewart and the mom next door all wrapped up in one.

They don’t believe in keeping up with the Jones’, they just want what’s best for their kids.

For parents who think that their life is chaotic, watch this show. It will put everything in perspective. This mom NEVER stops.

The show airs at 10:00 tonight on Discovery (US) and Monday nights at 10:00 on TLC in Canada.

53 Responses

  1. Hi my name is Monica, I have a twin sister named Monique we are certified childcare providers trained in CPR and first aid. We watch your show and we see that you have to separate all of your kids every time you need day care, we were wondering if you were in need of two nannies. Please e-mail us if you are interested thank you very much (

  2. Hello John and Kate and to all of the wonderful children God has blessed you with…I would just like to tell you that I admire all of you for how you live your life. I have 7 children (3 of which are step-children) and 3 of them still live at home. One of the children still at home is my youngest, Sean, he will be 7 on Dec. 1st of this year. He has been diagnosed with ADHD/ODD. I am sure that you are familiar with ADHD, but if you are not sure what ODD is, well it stands for Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Ya know how Mady is when she gets hungry or tired…well imagine that in one of your children all day long, non-stop, yet full of energy enough to run around bouncing off the walls and no matter what you do, they still act that way. I am at my wits end with Sean, yet everytime I watch your show I feel regrouped in a way. You give me the faith to keep going another day and want to do things better in my life. I am now looking into finding a way for us to buy organic foods and cleaning supplies. I hope that you consider airing your show for a long, long time because I would love to continue to watch your family grow and keep getting inspiration from you when I watch. Thanks for being such great people and I look forward to many more episodes of John & Kate plus 8!!! Good luck to you and I wish you all a very healty, happy lifetime. Tamara Greene, Brook Park, Ohio

  3. I guess if you consider having a litter of children and then preying on the public to support you is normal,,,,,mmmm what do you plan to do when they graduate

  4. Raising that many children undoubtably is a challenge. However, I have to wonder if the expectation is that at the age of five educators will have to provide the “rules of behavior” because there don’t seem to be any at home. The children are, sad to watch, all too often rewarded for their fake tears and temper tantrums. They get negative attention but it is rare that I see the quiet, appropriate child being opening praised for good behavior. Mady was rewarded in one episode for surly behavior by being given beaters to lick off. In another Hannah threw a fit, complete with fake tears, and was rewarded by being allow to talk on the phone to her father. I suspect many of these attention-getting little tantrums might vanish if there was no reward. Find an extra adult for excursions and any child throwing a tantrum about something gets to stay in the car with the adult/sitter rather than going on the excursion. Or…keep rewarding the bad behavior and expect it to continue. Life has rules. We don’t hit, kick, pull hair or bite. We don’t gain attention by whining or crying unless we are hurt. Someone needs to try to catch the children being good, not bad, and respond appropriately.

  5. Lets NOt mention How rude she is to her Husband and How she degrates him on national T.V. , but we all know that he is the bread winner in the family and she needs him, but maybe she should not take him for granted , and love him and respect him and not make him feel like he’s worth less, I would not be able to live in the house with a snoby attitude woman like her, let alone 8 kids in the house , good grief give him a break…. but its typical when a woman where’s the pants in the house….

    that’s a shame, get it together Mr.

  6. Kate is hot, for a mother that has had 8 kids.

  7. I love watching John and Kate, the children are all so cute. They do a great job I’m the same way with my husband always telling him what to do cause without us women men would be really dumb.

  8. There are so many things about this show I love. I think that John and Kate are doing a wonderful job that is extremely hard. However, I so wish that Kate wouldn’t talk to her husband like she does. I have been married for 47 years and I would never put my husband down like she does. I do understand that she has a lot of pressure on her every day. Kate, please don’t keep on John about his weight or redicule him in public. You are very fortunate that you have such a caring and helpful husband. Your children are absolutely adorable. Everyone of them is so precious. I am also in awe of how intellegent they are. I am so glad that you chose to share your family with all of us. Best wishes.

  9. […] have been watching this new show on TLC called Kate and John Plus 8. It’s about a couple that was unable to get pregnant so we to a fertility specialist. The first […]

  10. I’m sure life is hectic with all those kids, my mother is 87 and grew up in a family of 11 children, she was the second oldest. They weren’t put on TV today, acting like so many kids was a big deal! And they certainly didn’t dress as well as your kids either! I don’t mean to be critical, but I wonder, your probably making a lot of money on TV and there are lots of starving kids out there!

  11. I love Kate. She is very organized and does an amazing job with the family. I would love to have her as friend because she seems so kind and down to earth. Sometimes I don’ like how she talks to John either, but she needs to be on top of him because he is so laid back. He is a good father and seems like a very nice guy. How do they manage to survive financially? Everything is so expensive today.

  12. Ok, to all those out there who are critical of Jon and Kate’s relationship. Who do you think you are? They have 8 kids and are still together. That alone should be worthy of a medal. Yea they make little commets towards one another and oh yea let’s not forget they are human! Give them a break. They are doing the best with the situtations their put into so don’t judge if you aren’t Jon or Kate. If they have a problem with how the other is talking to them they’ll say so, their grown up’s or so I thought maybe I’m wrong. And to the people who are telling them how to raise their kids, SHUT UP! They have 8 kids and are doing a better job then most people do with 2 kids. At least their kids are polite and happy little kids. Wow kids having a tantrum yea that’s really HUGE it’s not like every 2 year old has a daily tantrum. What is she supposed to do smack the kids for crying? I think Jon and Kate are doing an awesome job and shouldn’t change a thing. If you don’t like how they talk to each other or raise their kids then here’s a really simple solution, CHANGE THE CHANNEL!

  13. i love to watch this show for all the tips and tricks of the trade. All the kids are genuiny happy and to me seem pretty well behaved for their age. I have only two boys and find I’am soooo tired at the end of the day. How does Kate get up in the morning? She does such a great job getting all the “everydays” done. And for those “haters” I’m sure they edit the heck out of the footage they get for this show to make it seem more “entertaining” and show meltdowns and chaos. (who wants to watch Kate making dinner while the kids sit quietly and never leave the house?) Either way she makes sextuplets look like a peice of cake! Way to to go Jon and Kate!!!

  14. I love to watch Jon and Kate and all their cutie pies! I have two dogs and a cat, no children and my husband and I get snippy with eachother- give them a break. If you watch the show closely, you will notice that the snippy ness can go both ways, and honestly, who can blame them! No one wants to have tv cameras following them around 24/7, and I don’t think Jon and Kate went looking to be on tv. The opportunity presented itself and they are taking advantage of it – so what! They are doing what they need to do to provide for their family, not to mention opening themselves up for criticism from some people who believe that everything they see on tv is true – even reality tv is edited people!

  15. Greetings John and Kate Plus 8 Angels. I love watching your family grow, learn, and love each week. My husband and I are parents of 3 girls and I have a “Madi” as well. God bless you for all that you do as from what I see, you both are wonderful, loving, smart, blessed parents. My husband laughs because he says that Kate and I are from the same “egg”. We were watching the “Disney” edition and as Kate explained to the producer that the kids were not allowed to get down off the bed at the Hotel in South Carolina unless their shoes were on, and I do the exact same thing when we are out of town, so I feel the same way. My husband says that you and I look alike as well. You both were certainly blessed with 8 Angels from God and I commend you both for what you do. You’re great parents as anyone can see and I would certainly love to meet you. Happy New Year!

  16. Hi Gosselin Family! I love your show and think you are wonderful parents. I believe too often we are critical of others, even when we are in situations far different from theirs. My husband and I have one daughter, who is very much like your Mady, and she loves watching the show as well. Even though we have only one child, I teach preschool, so I am surrounded by at least 17 children everyday, ranging in age from 2 1/2-5. Your organization and patience is something I truly admire!

  17. iMy only opinion of this show is how kate is so mean to her husband, HES TRYINGGGG!!!!!!

  18. Jon and Kate are AMAZING parents! To do that EVERYDAY is AMAZING! I only have one child, a 2 1/2 year old, and I have a hard time keeping up with just one!

  19. Great Show! Most entertaining – at the end of each episode I just say WOW! How do they handle all that commotion all day long – takes a lot of patience and Kate sure does have it. She is just a plain gal who was blessed with this great family. It will be wonderful when they all grow up and move away and come back home for holidays with their offsprings for a Thanksgiving Holiday or Christmas holiday – what a joy. Lillian

  20. This show is like a train wreck! It’s so awful you can’t look away! The worst part about it is Kate! WOW! She is SO nasty to her husband. The poor guy is doing the best he can and all she does is put him down and pick at him. Sure she has a bunch of kids and gets stressed but it is John is 100% right, she brings a lot of it on herself. And those kids- would a little disciple hurt anyone? It seems to me that Kate’s over all biggest concern is appearance(clothes, furniture, etc) The more I watch this show, the more I dis-like Kate! Didn’t anyone ever teach her manners and respect? She should try to have SOME respect for the man she married and “claims” to love or maybe she just thinks of him as the sperm donor and financial provider. What ever the case, it’s very sad! These little boys are going to grow up thinking it’s OK for women to put them down and the girls are going to be just as bad as their mother. They really need to get someone to help them out. Someone who knows how to handle children that have never been disciplined!

  21. I love watching this show, the kids are sooo cute, I really admire the parents for doing such a good job and ensuring that they experience a full and happy childhood by the way they take them on those trips. All of you haters out there just need to STFU, if you think you can do a better job than go have eight kids and try it.

  22. I actually had become a fan of the show for the past year. I have a two year old and I thought my life was hectic and I was amazed by the show. Last weekend (February 11) my husband and I were at the Lafayette, LA airport and when we walked into the airport from our flight we saw Jon and Kate sitting there. My son’s Montessori teacher is a big fan of the show and my first thought was she would love an autograph. So, I walked up to where they were sitting and politely asked them to sign an autograph for me so that I could give it to my son’s teacher. Kate was EXTREMELY rude to me. She rolled her eyes and said well, “we don’t really like to do that kind of thing”. I said ok and was ready to walk away when Jon asked what I would like him to sign. Kate rudely snapped at Jon and said, “just sign Jon and Kate Plus 8 like you always do”. She really was quite rude to me and made me feel terrible. I have decided that I am no longer going to watch the show. Kate needs to realize that when you choose to do a reality show that you will have fans and you should be gracious. She really acted like a diva and I would encourage everyone to stop watching her show.

  23. my wife watches this and she is amazed on how organized kate is with all the kids, even how organized she is with jon. we both enjoy your show, so i dont at all agree with that women with the autograph issue. i mean your just everyday people with more blessings than most. my wife says kate gives her inspiration and looks up to her as role model for mothers. i also commend jon as a father…………you show these dead beat fathers that a real man raises their matter what! we have a 7 year old daughter and we love your show THANK YOU! see you soon..

  24. I LOVE your show! Im only 11 (going on 12 May 9), but it is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE!!!!!! I want to meet you so bad! And everyone who is saying”oh who cares”, I think she is great. Her kids are going on 4 and they are still alive, right? Yes! Love your show!!!! <33

  25. I fell in love with the show a while back, Iove all the kids especially the little ones, but I have to say that Mady acts just like her mom. My goodness Kate needs to realize that her rude and OCD is rubbing off on her older girls. Its no wonder the older girls especially Mady speak to Jon the way they do, after all “mom” does. She needs to realize that he is trying and her rude behavior is a total turn off. She don’t seem like anyone I’d like to be friends with but Jon is a sweetheart I hope she wakes up and starts to appreciate him more.

  26. I find it sad that some of you critisize their parenting skills, nonw of us have had to raise 8 children.
    I have 2 who are less then a year apart and I find it challenging at times.
    I can no imagine how challenging it must be he raise 8, I think that they are doing a great Job.

  27. Just want to say how much our family enjoys Jon and Kate and their adorable 8! Yes, Kate can be grumpy and she and Jon can argue at times, but they are a normal couple who have busy lives and 8 children under the age of 8. I really like the way they are organized and stick to the rules for the children, like time out and food rules with eating. The love in the family is evident – they are always hugging. kissing, saying ‘sorry’ – something you don’t always see in siblings much any more. Also Jon and Kate are always showing love to each child. We have noticed the various scripture verses on the cupboards too and can tell they are a Christian family. Keep on with the show – it is treat to watch the kids grow. Those who find fault, need to mind their own business!!

  28. I think that Jon and Kate did what they thought was best of them. I think it’s wonderful of them not to abort any of their babies. Life might hard for them but it’s hard for everyone. My hubby and I have one child and we get snippy with just one. I love their show and think that they are doing a wonderful job with their kids.

  29. I think that Jon and Kate plus 8 is the best show ever!!!!

    jon and kate are great parents to their kids and they are head strong! it is amazing what they do with having the house spotless and making sure their kids eat healthy and raising 8 kids. (imagine doing that everyday)
    i think that jon and kate are rolemodels/heros they show that if you are struggling you can get through it and DONT GIVE UP!

    11 year old Caitlin<33

    P.S. i would really appreciate it if you write me back and i would love to meet you and your family one day!<3

  30. It’s so easy to judge people just by what you see on Television. I find it interesting that we can “educate” others on how they should discipline their children, but don’t take notice of our own parenting skills, first. EVERY parent makes mistakes. You do the best that you can and you deal with what matters at the moment. I commend them for raising them in church, and teaching them about God and Jesus. That is the best foundation they could start their children on.
    We all must realize, that our own children at some point and time have had one of their own little “tantrums” as well, and I’m sure people took notice of that as well. Their “tantrum” just wasn’t advertised to the whole world to be judged. Just remember, that before you point out other parents mistakes, that you too, have made plenty of your own.

  31. John and Kate..

    Kudos to you both! Love and prayers are sent your way!

  32. i love the show your kids are so sweet and cute

  33. I love you t.v show. you kids are so pretty, cute, handsome, they make me laugh. Espically the twins, and the six kids..

    1. Ask your twins girls if people ask them if they can tell them apart or not at their school. They are so funny, and hillarous.

    You are doing a very good jobs being a great mother/

  34. This is for John. When we first moved out here from NJ
    we were introduced to your father’s practice. He was such a wonderful person to the people who needed help. He would be there for them. I know he would be very proud of you. You are doing a wonderful job.
    Best in luck and success to you and Kate.
    I hope to one day to meat you guys and say hello in person..
    Betty —-Sinking Spring.

  35. As many others my husband and I really enjoy your program. Watching the interaction with all 8 of your children and especially your quick response to bad behavior, ie time outs tells me you are we aware of what is going on. Last night I watched the plane trip to Utah. Kate how you made it so long without letting those emotions flooding over is beyond me. I am a viewer with no negative comments because I live in my own family stiuation. I am the one to be quick to comment but my husband gets his in too. I have never known a mother of 1, much less 8, who wasn’t immedidately ready to change the guard when our husbands get home. Everyone of the negative “down on Kate” comments really get to me because last time I checked NO ONE was perfect. It is obivious to me that the both of you really do love one another and as you say in the intro, it’s a hard life but it’s your life. I am glad you are willing to share it. The children are so sweet – and healthy. I am so glad to see the scripture verses on the cabinets, etc. and the effort each week to attend church. May God richest blessings continue to be on each of you.

  36. Well I just wanted to comment on how wonderful your show is. My family loves to watch your show. I am a mother of two 4 year old girl who reminds me a lot of Maddy, and a 3 year old who by the way says that he has 3 girlfriends any idea who they might be hint hint they are 3. My kids love to watch the show and I do let them watch it we also do tend to watch the show as a family. I give you a lot of credit for letting the whole world see how you live your lifes. Sometimes it is easier to critize how others live there lives then to take a look at themselves. So do not feel bad with all the negative responses. I work and take care of all the housework and cook dinner on a daily basis and it is nice to see a family who actually seats down and has dinner as a family. I applaud you Kate for being a great mother and staying in control. John I think you are doing a great job as a father and husband. Say hi to your children from Melanie and Guillermo who love your show. God bless your family and hope to stay in touch!

  37. Hi,
    I am a senior at liberty University and the one that my roomamtes and I love to do is watch your show. We know exactly when it is supposed to come on, reruns or not we watch as much as possible. I am a Psychology major and it makes for great conversation! You guys are wonderful parents and do a wonderful job with your kids. The great thing about the whole thing is, I could tell you guys were a Christian family before I ever even knew any details. Your family is in our prayers!!!

  38. You guys are awesome! How dare anyone say bad things about you. They should spend an hour at your home and they’d be eating words! As far as relying on others for help, I had to do that with one! It’s really easy to sit and judge. The hard part is being there and actually dealing with the situation.

    Love the show and…..

    You Rock!!!!

  39. I really love this show! Im only 15, but watching Jon and Kate makes me want to be a parent one day.
    A lot of people here are saying that Kate is mean to Jon, but i disagree. yes, she does snap at him sometimes, but it’s just a part of her strong personallity. she’s focused and organized, and he’s pretty fun and laid back, so it’s a good partnership i think. Besides, the woman stays at home all day raising EIGHT KIDS! puleeez, give her a break.

    I think they do a great job of parenting their kids (who are by the way, amazingly cute!). I especially love the episode where they all go skiing in Utah. This show just makes me want to smile!
    keep up the great work guys!
    God bless,
    – Leigha

  40. This is in response to Tess Guidry’s comment. I really don’t think that’s fair to say that. You watched the show for years and loved it, and then you had one bad encounter, and are now encouraging everyone to stop watching it? If you have watched the show before, I’m sure you have realised that they are trying to live an ordinary life, and it’s true, Kate is indeed moody sometimes. So it should not come as a shock to you that they do not want to sign autographs.
    Not, that it was wrong to ask, but the response should not have been unexpected. I personally don’t blame Kate for being uptight, she and Jon have eight children, and a whole camera crew in their house all the time, i don’t think i would sign autographs either. I like Kate.

  41. One thing that everyone has to remember is that this couple is just a normal couple that had a double set of multiples.

    All of this media attention is new to them and probably very daunting considering the shows popularity.

    It is easy to judge when you are sitting on the outside, but I am sure if cameras followed you around for 12 hours a day, they may catch you in some unimpressive moments…

    Love this family for being unique and having the courage to go against the grain to make their mark in the world.

  42. Love the show , Love the show , Love the show !!! Dont change a thing !!

  43. LOVE the show !! Dont change a thing !

  44. Hi,

    I live in the island of Guam and raised in a family of 11, the youngest is now 40 yrs. old. So, I know what you both go through on a daily basis because my mom & dad had their good & bad days too.

    Jon & Kate, I just love your show, you are truly blessed. Cherish those precious moments (hugs, chit chats, fights, etc.) because when their all grown up & moved away & the house is too quiet You will find yourself reminiscing & then calling one by one to ask when are they going to visit.

    So, keep up the great job and may God continue to bless your beautiful & loving family.


  45. The TLC network exploits an abnormal situation and the Gosselins provide an inside look into what obnoxious, domineering, “because I said so” parenting is like. Mom is a freak and should never have had any children at all. How sad that 8 innocent children were born to such an inept parent. Dad is just a wuss–not a bad person, just whipped.
    I have watched 1-1/2 episodes out of morbid curiosity but can’t bear to see Kate speak to her children in that accusatory tone over the least little thing.
    I thank God every day that my mom was not like Kate.

  46. Hi John & Kate!!…I watch your show whenever it’s a marathon, and each new episode on Mon. nights w/my 14 yr. old sister!!…I love watchin’ the kids grow ^…and c’in’ how ticklish Aaden is!!….r all of your kids as ticklish as Aaden is??…N E Ways, John & Kate, u 2 r excellent parents, who have the most beautiful children!!…Feel free 2 e-mail me back @:



  47. Hi John and Kate!!! I am Emily and i am only twelve years old but I absolutely love your show. I watch it every Monday and you guys are so much like my family because we have seven people. I hope you can get back to me. I think your kids are adorable.

    feel free to email me back,

  48. hi this is Emily again but my email is :


  50. I think they are wonderful parents, I have 2 kids 1 year apart and a husband. If I had a camera following me around all the time I am sure I wouldn’t love everything it captured but at least it is honest. I just finished watching them all get over the flu and I have to recommend childrens gravel the best medicine ever invented in my opinion! When my kids get sick and throw up give them 1 and they are much better and no more throwing up. And I will usually give it to the other if they start complaining of a stomache ache when the other has puked and it prevents them from throwing up.

  51. I would just like to say you guys are great and the kids are so cute! I also would like to invite you to come to my house to visit and we could go to a cool animal farm nere my house. The kids would enjoy the ride in the buses without roofs and the petting zoo. Just e-mail me if you want to come sometime. Thanks Tracy

  52. I just wanted to say how blessed you were to have the people at Hershey med center to take such good care of you and your baby’s my sister like you had to get pregnant with IVF she had one boy after 9 try’s, but wanted just one more so he would not be a only child. She ended up being pregnant with quad’s not being educated in multiple births she stayed with the OBGYN that delivered her single birth and by 26 weeks delivered her baby’s GOD was merciful and allowed her to have 2 of the 4, but as you know with multiples people were not very merciful she like you did not set out to have all these children she and her husband just wanted a family of there own. Also like you there were days when if the world could have peeked in to her life they may not have liked her or her husband,but like you she is living for her family and not the rest of the world. may GOD continue to bless your family as HE already has .

  53. I love the show and only wish I could be like Kate when my twins are born. See I already have 3 kids when we thought we would have only one more but got blessed with 2. I am stressed right now on bedrest at 22 weeks and hoping and praying for healthy babies. I hope to be at less as half as good as Kate when my twins get here. But I know if she can do it with 8 I can do it with 5.

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