HUGE Baby Starter Lot For Sale On Ebay

I am an Ebay addict. Today I found this ‘lot’ of baby gear for sale.

If you are in a spot and don’t have much cash before your baby arrives – this auction is for you.

Here is a list of the items included. The bjorn alone is worth the $80 the bid is currently at..

  • 1 Child Craft Crib with Mattress (we paid over $600 for this alone)
  • 1 Bassinet
  • 1 Baby Bjorn harness
  • 1 Tiny Love Playmat
  • 1 Evenflo infant car seat/carrier
  • 1 PegPerego car seat/carrier
  • 1 Graco doorway jumpster
  • 2 Fisher Price Pianos
  • 1 Fisher Price ball tower
  • 1 Wooden Scotter
  • 1 Fisher Price Hippo Scooter/Walker (with blocks)
  • 1 Handmade motorcycle rocker (very rare)
  • 1 Evenflo Exersaucer
  • Several soft books, dolls, Sesame street figures
  • 28 DVD’s and VHS’ tapes (a few w/o original box). Barney, The Wiggles, Sesame Street, Baby Einstein, Little People, Teletubbies etc.

Current bid $82.50. The catch…you need to be able to pick it up. They live in New Jersey.

Jaime Pressly Not Fond Of Her Pregnancy Experience

Some moms will say that being pregnant was the best experience of their life…Not Jaime Pressly. She has recently spoken out on her less than perfect maternal experience.

The 29-year-old former model and her DJ boyfriend Eric Cubiche welcomed their first child into the world two months ago and she is delighted not to be pregnant anymore because it “sucked”.

Jaime said: “As a new mom I’m supposed to go on about how wonderful it was to be pregnant.

“Well, I don’t buy into that. The truth is that I love my baby to bits, but the rest of it sucked. Pregnancy was the biggest killer for me. I hated it – I hated being fat.

“My hormones were all over the place and I acted like some lunatic, picking fights with my boyfriend over how he made my coffee.

“On top of that I had this hideous ‘pregnancy mask’ skin discolouration which completely covered my face.

“You can normally use creams to disguise it, but not when you’re pregnant, so I had to walk around looking like I was horribly disfigured. This may sound arrogant, but I’m used to looking hot I just wanted to cry all the time.”

The star is now enjoying being a mother to son Dezi but she is no hurry to get pregnant again.

She said: “Nobody tells you this stuff when you talk about having a baby – it’s all kept as one big secret. The only amazing thing is when your baby pops out and you have this little thing that is going to be part of your life forever.”

Pressly also said she wants to be a “sexy mum”.

Pressly gave birth two months ago and is working hard to get her incredible figure back in time for her 30th birthday part in Las Vegas on July 30.

Jaime said: “I’m having a party and then a holiday and I aim to be in a super-slutty outfit for the first and a swimsuit for the second.

“I love being a mother, but I want to be a super sexy mother with a better body than ever before.

“When I pull on my spray-on jeans for my party, I want to look in the mirror and like what I see.”

The blonde actress is working out for two hours a day and following a low-fat protein diet.

She said: “people may think it’s mad but it makes me happier to see my body coming back.”

Even though Pressly admits she hated pregnancy she has slammed celebrities who adopt.

Jamie said: “Some women just skip having babies or adopt because they don’t want to get fat or they haven’t put in the time to find a partner. It’s great to adopt, but a lot of adoptions are motivated by vanity and laziness.”

The blonde actress also claimed some actresses miss out on motherhood because they focus too much on their careers.

She said: “So many Hollywood actresses become successful and then just keep on going – they miss out on having a partner and a baby and end up lonely.

“I know a lot of very rich, very successful, very lonely women in Los Angeles and I never wanted to be one of them.”

Sounds like she hit every pregnancy issue. The ‘mask’ is not a good thing. She’s lucky it didn’t stick around.

I LOVE how frank she is. Most of the Hollywood types tippy toe around issues so that they can always look perfect. Jaime just tells it like it is and that’s probably why I have been a fan for a few years now.


Mom Has Quadruplets, 3 Years After Triplets

With the number of multiples arriving via fertility treatments, it is an unusual occurrence that an L.A. mom, Angela Magdaleno, got pregnant with quadruplet naturally.

The couple had triplets, three years ago, after undergoing in vitro fertilization. They wanted many babies, but after the triplets birth, she thought she was done having babies.

Then she got pregnant with the quadruplets, a fraternal set of twins and a possible identical set of twins.

“She wanted to run,” said her husband, Afredo Anzaldo, 45, who lays carpet for a living.

Her doctor, Kathryn Shaw, a high-risk pregnancy specialist, said did well during the pregnancy and developed no complications.

The latest additions — two girls and two boys — were doing well Wednesday, while their mother, resting at home, said: “I’m happy because they’re healthy and so am I.”

The babies were born at 32 weeks — well beyond the 29-week average for quadruplets. At birth, the girls were 4 pounds and 17 and 17.5 inches long; the boys about 3.5 pounds and 16 inches long.

The couple have not decided on names yet.


Dr. Shaw said the odds of conceiving quadruplets without fertility drugs are about one in 800,000. She’s seen only one other case of quadruplets being conceived without drugs — 18 years ago.

The babies are expected to be home in about 8 weeks. Angela will have help from two older daughters.

All 11 family members will be living in a one-bedroom apartment in east Los Angeles. She said the living room is large, but she isn’t sure what the family will do when the babies get bigger.

When the older girls are at school and her husband is at work, a friend has offered to help with the newborns and the triplets. “It’s a lot of work,” their mother said.

We wish this mom luck. She seems to be a little overwhelmed by the amount of work that is a head of her. Nine kids in such a small space will be challenging. I see a second job in this dad’s future especially if she’s not breastfeeding.

This is the family that needs donations. They DID plan the first 5, but DIDN’T plan the last 4. To the best of my knowledge they don’t have a registry or a website that is peddling diaper drives. It’s too bad, they would probably welcome some assistance.

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Masche Sextuplets Going Home One At A Time!

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