Sarah McLachlan Welcomes Second Daughter

Congratulations to Sarah McLachlan and husband Ashwin Sood on the safe arrival of their second baby girl.

The couple named their new edition Taa-Jah, Sarah’s publicist confirmed Thursday.

Taa-Jah, which comes from the Hindi word for crown, was born June 22.

McLachlan and Sood, her longtime drummer, also have a five-year-old daughter named India.

“The family is overjoyed to welcome this newest addition to their family,” the singer’s Vancouver-based record label, Nettwerk, said in a statement.

The Halifax-raised, Vancouver-based McLachlan has grown to become one of the world’s best-known Canadian recording artists.


Baby Born With Teeth

Here’s a story you don’t hear everyday…

Baby Megan Andrews amazed doctors and family by being born with teeth.

She is now just under two weeks old and she has already had two dental appointments, reports the Brighton Argus.

Mum Claire Slimming, 20, knew nothing of the phenomenon until a midwife gave Megan a check an hour after she came into the world.

Claire, from Worthing, said: “The midwife counted Megan’s ten fingers and toes and then looked and put a finger inside her mouth and was astonished when she counted seven teeth.

“Her face said it all – she was shocked.”

Megan had her first dental appointment at the age of just one day at the Maxio-facial unit at Worthing Hospital.

Claire said: “They gently took out four of the teeth because they were falling out and might have choked her. She didn’t feel a thing and slept through the whole process.

“Megan still has one tiny tooth in front and two at the back and they are pretty-well anchored in. They said they would have to give her anaesthetic to remove them but we decided against that. I couldn’t put her through it.

“We’ll be keeping an eye on them with more dental check-ups.”

This is riduculous!! I can see one tooth or two but seven??

Teeth that arrive before your baby is born are called Natal Teeth.

Natal teeth are relatively uncommon, appearing in about one in every 2,000 to 3,000 births. Although the majority of natal teeth are isolated incidents, their presence may be associated with some syndromes.

Natal teeth generally develop on the lower gum where the central incisors will be. They have little root structure and are attached to the margin of the gum by soft tissue and are often wobbly.

Natal teeth are usually not well formed but they are firm enough that, because of their placement, they may cause irritation and trauma to the infant’s tongue while he is nursing. Natal teeth may also be uncomfortable for a nursing mother.

The Slimmings will now have this great story to tell Megan when she gets older.

Everyone should have their claim to fame and this will be hers!


Suri in Berlin

Katie had Suri out at Tiergarten Park in central Berlin, Germany yesterday running around and burning off some energy.

Tom is currently filming a movie there so that family has relocated for a few weeks.

Suri has been quite the jet setter this summer. The last time we saw here she was swimming in France.

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Tom, Katie and Suri in France

Photo by INF

GERBER RECALLS Baby Rice, Oatmeal Due to Choking Hazard

This recall is HUGE!!! Please check your cupboards and return all unused cereal for a full refund.

Gerber Products Co. recalled all packages of its organic rice and organic oatmeal cereals Friday because of potential clumping of the baby food, which can pose a choking hazard.

Gerber said it has received complaints of choking but no reports of injury.

The company said a “limited quantity” of the cereals could contain lumps that do not dissolve in water or milk. The cereals were distributed nationwide and to Puerto Rico and the Caribbean.

Food and Drug Administration compliance officer Sandra Williams said the agency was aware of the voluntary recall “and we concur.”

Gerber spokesman David Mortazavi said the company was recalling 306,760 packages of organic rice cereal and 167,724 packages of organic oatmeal cereal.

All codes of the two products, sold in 8-ounce boxes, are being recalled. The organic rice cereal UPC code is 15000 12504 and the organic oatmeal cereal UPC code is 15000 12502.

The baby food should be not be eaten, and customers can call the Gerber parents resource center at 800-443-7237 or 231-928-3000 to return the product and receive a full refund.

Gerber dominates the U.S. baby-food market, with the company holding a 79 percent share, according to Morgan Stanley.

In April, Switzerland’s Novartis AG agreed to sell Gerber to Nestle SA for $5.5 billion. Gerber is based in Parsippany, N.J.


UPDATE: Youngest Preemie EVER Thriving and Growing

Amillia Taylor, the world’s youngest surviving preemie, appears in this weeks issue of People Magazine.The micro preemie was born at 21 weeks 6 days gestation, weighing less than 10 ozs and measuring just 9 1/2 inches long.


Her chances of survival were probably 0% at birth due to the fact that the extreme limit of viability is 24 weeks and not many statistics are available for a baby at that gestation.

She defied all odds and joined her parents at home of February 22 of this year. Her weight on the day she left the hospital was 4 1/2 lbs.

People magazine caught up with her family last month and had some great new to report on Amillia’s progress.

The little pudger is now tipping the scales at 14lbs 3 ozs. She is able to hold her head up and sits with support.

Oxygen is still required at night while she sleeps, which is common for preemies who have spent extended times in the hospital.

Her care, with insurance coverage, has put her family $40,000 in debt.

That fact seems to be lost on them when they see her smile. “It lights up the room,” says Sonja, Amillia’s mom. “Every part of her makes me happy.”


Violet At The Zoo

Jennifer Garner and daughter Violet were seen yesterday at the Los Angeles Zoo.After this photo was posted online, many people started to mumble that Jen may be expecting number 2.

The Family just returned from Hawaii last week where Jen was photographed constantly with a FLAT tummy.

I don’t believe that she is pregnant, I think that this comfy dress she is wearing just puckers in the wrong places.

Have I mentioned how cute Violet looks marching through the Zoo so independently?

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Like Mother Like Daughter
Violet and Isabella At The Beach


Courtney Thorne-Smith Expecting a Baby

According to Jim actress Courtney Thorne-Smith and husband Roger Fishman is expecting a baby this winter.

The baby will be the first for the couple, who was married in January.