Violet and Isabella At The Beach

Playmates Isabella Damon and Violet Affleck hang out at the beach in Hawaii with their moms.I love the first shot of Jen and Violet where they are both laughing, obviously having fun in the sun.

Both moms have their babies in long sleeved sun protective clothes. This is recommended when your are going to be at the beach for the day. Most of these outfits have an SPF of 50.

Photos Courtesy of AND property of FLYNET(Thankyou!)

Two Year Old Mensa Member

We all think that we have the smartest child. I guess this mom now has the proof…

A two-year-old has become the youngest ever girl to become a member of a club for the country’s brainy elite.

Georgia Brown has an official genius-rated IQ – Intelligence Quotient – of 152. She can already count to 10, knows her colours and knows the difference between a square and a rectangle.

Compared by her mother to Matilda, the Roald Dahl tale about a gifted girl, Georgia has been described by the UK’s leading expert in intelligent children as the brightest two-year-old she has ever met.

Professor Joan Freeman, a specialist educational psychologist, said the IQ test she conducted was unable to fully map Georgia’s abilities.

Matilda was able to perform tasks that are usually expected of five year olds.

“In one test I asked her to draw a circle and she did it so perfectly. It shows she can physically hold a pen well, but also that she understands the concept of a circle.

“Most adults would struggle to do that. Her circle was near to being perfect.”

Georgia lives with her family in York Crescent, Aldershot in Surrey. Prof Freeman said: “I said to her, ‘What a pretty pink skirt, and you have tights and shoes to match’. She said ‘They’re not pink, they’re purple’.

“Most children go to school aged five and start to learn colours, let alone knowing the difference between pink and purple. I have to keep remind-ing myself that she is only two.”


15-Year-Old Performs C- Section in India

The 15-year-old son of two doctors performed a filmed Caesarean section birth under his parents’ watch in southern India in an apparent bid to gain a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records as the youngest surgeon.

Instead, the boy’s father could be stripped of his licenses and may face criminal charges, officials said Thursday.

Dr. K. Murugesan showed a recording of his son performing a Caesarean section to an Indian Medical Association chapter in the southern state of Tamil Nadu last month, said Dr. Venkatesh Prasad, secretary of the association. The video showed Murugesan anesthetizing the patient.

“We were shocked to see the recording,” Prasad told The Associated Press, adding that the IMA told Murugesan that his act was an ethical and legal violation.

Murugesan owns and runs a maternity hospital in the city of Manaparai, Prasad said in a telephone interview from Manaparai. The family could not be immediately reached for comment.

Murugesan, who could possibly be prevented from practicing and face criminal charges for allowing his son to perform the operation, expressed no regret and accused the Manaparai medical association of being “jealous” of his son’s achievements, Prasad added.

“He said this was not the first surgery performed by his son and that he had been training him for the last three years,” said Prasad.

Murugesan told the medical association that he wanted to see his son’s name in the Guinness Book of World Records.

Prasad said that his team had reported the surgery to the state’s top medical association in state capital, Chennai.

State health secretary V.K. Subburaj told reporters Thursday that the government would investigate.

“We’ll get the report and then we’ll see whether there are any violations … prima facie it looks like there is a big violation,” he said.

“We will definitely take action against the concerned medical officers.”

It is ridiculous that this doctor could think that a child who can’t operate a motor vehicle or has yet to graduate from secondary school could perform such a complicated procedure. Babies and mother die every day from complications during C-sections while being looked after by experienced surgeons.

This dad is irresponsible and his medical licence should be taken away.

People do the stupidest things to get into the Guinness World Book!



The Sextuplet Backlash

Since posting the arrival of the 2 sets of sextuplets last week I have received MANY e-mails expressing concerns and anger.

The e-mails come from parents who have singletons and multiples, grandparents and health care providers.

There are three issues that are weighing on most peoples minds – the future health of these babies, reducing the fetuses when the number of babies is revealed and the shameless promotion of them to receive financial support.

The media circus around the births of these megamultiples appears to be leaving out the fact that carrying this many babies is not natural or healthy. Just hours after delivering her 30 week sextuplets, last week, Jenny Masche almost died from heart problems due to the huge volume of blood she was carrying in her body while pregnant. When the babies were delivered, some the extra blood flooded out of her uterus and “stretched her heart and blood vessels to a very, very critical level.

An increased chance of gestational diabetes, risks for hypertension, stroke and preeclampsia are also some of the other issues that these multiple birth moms face.

It may seem exciting and unbelievable that so many babies were born at the same time, but it is not safe. Any baby born before 32 weeks runs the risk of having long term health problems. Carrying, triplets, quads or quints past 30 weeks is difficult guaranteeing that the babies will all need to be admitted to the NICU to grow further on arrival.

This, of course, brings up the issue of fetal reduction. I can see why both couples chose not to reduce the fetus’ growing inside their wombs. The procedure is similar to an abortion and needs to be performed between 9 and 11 weeks gestation. It would be hard for a parent who has been trying for many years to conceive to decide that they do not want to keep one or more of their ‘babies’.

You can, however, get caught up in the previous success stories of other multiple families which sometimes makes couples feel invincible. Not all pregnancies are the same, therefore you cannot expect to have the same outcome as other moms.

I truly believe that the Morrison babies were delivered and resuscitated because they were a high profile case. There are not many hospitals that would resuscitate a 22 week old baby, let alone 6. When I was 23 weeks 5 days pregnant and in labour, the OB told me that they were not going to save my baby if he was born that day. They strongly believed that any baby born before 24/25 weeks would have such extensive health issues that it is better to just not try and in this case they were wrong. My son was born at 24 weeks 1 day and is currently thriving like any 18 month old baby. That is not to say that he would have had the same outcome if forced to arrive 2 weeks prior to his birth date.

I don’t believe that these parents realize what they have signed up for. Your yearly trip to Mexico – will no longer happen. Personal time – gone. Co-ordinating nurses, therapists, pediatricians and specialists will become your full time job after you are done dealing with endless laundry, feedings and diaper changes.

The last issue is summed up by a GYB reader Anna

When I had my triplets there was no foundation set up to support our family and no registry posted on our website. We made due with what we had and got support from friends and family. What makes these families any different? Where do there get off thinking that the rest of us should support their family? My husband works 2 jobs because I have to stay home with our boys. We don’t have the luxuries that we used to have, but everyone is fed and happy. I think it is ridiculous for this family (Masche family) to suggest that the rest of us could contribute to their new truck or nursery. You made the decision to have six babies, it is your responsibility to support them! (the truck has been since removed from the site with the 3 registries still listed)

MANY readers feel the way that Anna does. Moms who have twins, triplets and single babies have been writing, echoing these same sentiments. They have had to support their families the old fashioned way – by working over time or 2 jobs. Now that the Morrison 6 is now just triplets. Should they still warrant the donations that were intended for 6 babies? Some people think no. After all, there were over 7,000 sets of triplets born in the U.S. last year.

Everyone has their reasons why they think that fertility drugs should be monitored more closely. Mine is that I think it is sad that women are having ‘litters’. We were not meant to deliver 5, 6, or 7 babies at a time. That’s why your chance of having ‘natural’ triplets is 1 in 8,100 (only about 30% of triplets are ‘natural’), ‘natural’ quads is 1 in 729,000 (only about 6% of quads are ‘natural’) and ‘natural’ quints is 1 in 55,000,000.

Now that the babies are here I hope that the population can set aside their animosity for how they got here and wish them the BEST. I suspect that these moms probably thought that having six babies would be better than not having any at all…

After the fanfare is over and the cameras have moved on to the next sensation, both moms will have a lot of work ahead of them to keep their multiples safe, fed and loved.

We wish them the best – let’s hope they’re up to the challenge.

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Dannielynn’s A Covergirl For Second Time

Miss Dannielynn Birkhead is only nine months old and she has already been a cover girl twice.

Larry Birkhead and his adorable nine month old baby grace the cover of OK magazine for the second time in as many months.

During the interview, Larry spoke about Dannielynn’s mom, the late Anna Nicole Smith, and how the energetic little girl is just like her.

“She has long legs and chubby little toes exactly like Anna’s; it’s like a mirror image. It’s really incredible. And I think her lips are her mom’s lips; especially when she pouts. … She also gets what she wants exactly like her mom always did as soon as she’d pout.”

The baby will be raised in Los Angeles where he complains about the attention from the paparazzi.

“I was a photographer and I understand they need a picture, but when they’re running you off the road and you’re in the car with your daughter and they’re putting lenses up to the car so that it’s like lightning in the car, it gets to be too much,”

On hiring a nanny:

“She’s just there to assist me, not to take over any parenting. … I’m really hands-on, like too hands-on with my hand on the baby, a hand on the cell phone, a hand on the diaper,” says Birkhead, who jokes that he has “a supersonic sense of smell when it comes to diapers.”

On his first Father’s Day:

“The best gift for me was just to wake up and have Dannielynn there looking up and smiling at me.”

Ok Magazine is available on Newsstands this Friday for the full interview.

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Larry Birkhead’s Interview With Greta Van Sustren
Dannielynn With Her Dad In Kentucky
OK! Magazine Larry Birkhead And Dannielynn Exclusive